Section: Software


Participants : Amira Ben Hamida, Frédéric Le Mouël, Stéphane Frénot.

While installing and executing applications on mobile devices, the issue of the limit of resources is quickly encountered.

AxSeL (A conteXtual Service Loader) is an OSGi prototype extension that modifies the bundle loading at deployment time for a context-aware service loading at run time. The approach is based on a service graph colouring process. We represent an application as a bi-dimensional dynamic graph with services and bundles dependencies. The colouring decision provides an optimal deployment configuration of the application in a given context. Context listening mechanisms capture changes and propagate recolouring and redeployment processes.

Context elements currently implemented and monitored are the hardware memory and disk sizes. Application currently implemented and tested is a service-oriented PDF viewer that is adapting its display to available device resources [6] .

This prototype is a part of the PhD thesis of Amira Ben Hamida  [29] .